Region Gotland’s Managers will Receive a New Decision Support System
Region Gotland’s 250 managers will have easier access to information about operations, personnel and finances, all in the same cloud-based system. Hypergene AB was the winner of the procurement process.

Region Gotland has chosen a decision support solution from Hypergene AB for planning, monitoring and analysis. The solution is designed to contribute to increased efficiency and enhanced effectiveness in both the strategic management and the ongoing daily management. All of Region Gotland’s 250 managers will work in the system, as well as an additional 50 or so employees.
“We have lofty goals for the implementation of the decision support solution. Ultimately it has to do with creating better conditions for all of our managers to fulfil their responsibilities regarding finances, personnel and operations”, says Regional Director Peter Lindvall.
The purpose is to create more efficient planning and reporting processes, and thus free up more time for analysis and operational development.
“All of our managers will receive access to indicators, operational measurements and key ratios at all levels. Furthermore, there will be a common and consistent strategy in the management process, from Region Gotland’s overall goals to activities at the unit level”, explains Peter Lindvall.
By gathering information about operations, personnel and finances in the same system, the managers, budget owners and others will no longer need to search for information in several different support systems. Instead, the users will have access to coordinated and integrated information from Region Gotland’s operational system in a user-friendly cloud-based interface.
“We are delighted and extremely proud that Region Gotland has chosen our product. The purpose of the contract has been to enable the creation of a modified work approach and, as a consequence, more effective operational management. That is exactly what we know best, and we look forward to being able to contribute our expertise to a new and exciting customer”, says Per Hidenius, CEO at Hypergene AB.
Region Gotland’s geographical area of operation is the entire island of Gotland, where about 58,000 people live and work all year round. Region Gotland is the island’s largest employer, with around 6,500 employees, and it has three primary assignments: municipal duties, county council duties and responsibility for regional development.