Cloud-Based Planning, Reporting and Analysis Solutions
Hypergene Planning enables you to streamline your budgeting and forecasting processes, follow up on operations through sophisticated analysis and reporting functionality, and optimise performance management by breaking down plans into clear targets, KPIs and activities throughout the organisation.

Corporate Performance Management that Sharpens your Competitiveness
In theory, everyday business should be fairly straightforward for many companies. They have a strategy for reaching their objectives. A business plan to steer operations. Budgets to break down targets according to shorter-term perspectives. And reporting and analysis to understand, enhance and develop the business.
But in practice, things are more complex.
Research indicates that nine out of ten organisations are unsuccessful in executing their strategies to some extent. The challenges include unclear targets, excessive data volumes, and multiple complex IT systems for different purposes.
The result is that managers and staff lack a clear and relevant overall picture of strategies, targets, direction, and current status.
The really big gains are the time savings and that our forecasting has become more precise. With functional business intelligence in place, we also attract greater commitment from all our employees.Marianne Fellman, Controller of PAF
That’s where Hypergene comes in. Our solutions transform the way organisations can plan, monitor and follow up their operations – thereby sharpening competitiveness.
We enable our customers to streamline their budgeting and forecasting processes, follow up on operations through sophisticated analysis and reporting functionality, and optimise performance management by breaking down plans into clear targets, KPIs and activities throughout the organisation.
Our offering consists of five interactive and user-friendly modules: Strategic Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting, Reporting & Analysis, Performance Reporting and KPI Tracking. As standalone modules, they stand on their own merits – enhancing performance and efficiency in key areas. But together, they create new possibilities for taking performance management to higher levels.
We Understand your Needs
Through a combination of in-depth knowledge and world-leading solutions, we can enhance your control process and sharpen your competitiveness. The choice of tools is critical, but insight into designing and implementing solutions is just as vital.
Our experts put extensive experience at your disposal. They are skilled in implementing planning processes and management models. And they know how to transform data into relevant quality-assured information, presented in a way that makes it accessible and understandable to users.
We work in close partnership with you – from defining requirements and needs, all the way through to delivering complete solutions and tangible business benefits.