Other Portfolios in the Hypergene Portfolio
In addition to our core portfolios such as strategy portfolio, project portfolio and risk portfolio, we offer a range of other portfolios that give you complete control and insight into different parts of your business. Here are some of the other portfolios that you can use to optimize your business:

Idea portfolio
Track and manage ideas and innovation initiatives to ensure they contribute to the company's long-term goals. The Idea Portfolio helps you prioritize and develop the most promising ideas, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
- Efficient management of ideas from concept to implementation
- Prioritization of ideas based on business value and feasibility
- Promotes an innovative culture and continuous improvement
Application Portfolio
Gain a clear overview of IT systems and services aligned with strategic goals. With a consolidated view of applications and their dependencies, it becomes easier to manage system lifecycles, map development initiatives and projects, and provide swift access to IT information across the organization.
- Establish a continuous, holistic perspective on IT systems and services tied to organizational strategic goals
- Link IT applications and visualize various dependencies
- Enable quick and easy access to IT information across the organization
- Simplify the management of system and application lifecycles
- Map applications to various development initiatives and projects
Sustainability portfolio
Follow up and manage sustainability initiatives to ensure that the company meets its sustainability goals and makes a positive contribution to society and the environment. The sustainability portfolio makes it possible to integrate sustainability into all business processes and communicate results in a transparent way.
- Centralized management of sustainability data and initiatives
- Ability to set goals and track sustainability progress
- Integrating sustainability into all business processes
Investment portfolio
Track and manage your company's investments to maximize returns and minimize risks. The investment portfolio provides a holistic view of all investments and their performance, facilitating informed capital allocation decisions.
- Overview of all investments and their performance
- Ability to adjust investments based on risk and return
- Support for strategic capital allocation
Product Portfolio
Organize and manage your product development initiatives, from idea to launch. With Hypergene's Product Portfolio, you can prioritize the most profitable products and ensure that you drive innovation that benefits both customers and the company's growth.
- Get an overview of the entire product development
- Prioritize product innovation based on business needs
- Keep track of the product's life cycle and profitability
Why choose more portfolios?
By implementing several of these portfolios, you get a comprehensive overview of the business, which facilitates coordination of different functions, follow-up of goals and ensuring that all parts of the organization are working towards common business goals. The Hypergene Portfolio not only provides control, but also valuable insights and strategic advantages that enable faster and more informed decisions, creating added value at all levels of the organization.
Want to know more?
Contact us to learn how Hypergene Portfolio can help your organization optimize and optimize all areas of your business to ensure you reach your long-term business goals.